About The Mustard Seed
Yr Hedyn Mwstard has been established to provide a link between the church and the secular community. We endeavour to make it a place of excellence in order to express our love for Jesus Christ and our desire to honour him and to trust in him. By serving God in the community we want to demonstrate God’s love in a practical way and promote Christ’s church locally and world-wide, for His glory.
Our Charity Commission document/Trust Deed states that the objects and purposes of the Trust are:
(1) The advancement of the Christian Faith and, in particular, by the provision of Christian literature in various media.
(2) The promotion of any other charitable purpose for the benefit of the community of Mid and West Wales by the advancement of education, the protection of health and the relief of poverty and sickness as an expression of the Christian Faith.
At Yr Hedyn Mustard we aim to produce and sell high quality food. We reduce food miles and support the local economy by using local produce as far as we possibly can.